Strong Golf Grip Vs Weak Golf Grip: Which Is Better For You?

Strong Golf Grip Vs Weak Golf Grip

Golf is a great game for those who want to spend their time enjoying the outdoors and improving their physical fitness. It also requires precision, focus, and skill in order to be successful.  One of the most important aspects of golfing is having a proper grip on your club. A strong vs weak golf grip … Read more

What Is A Shotgun Start In Golf? How Does It Work In Tournaments?

What Is A Shotgun Start In Golf

Golf tournaments are a fantastic way to support a cause, but planning a successful event requires careful consideration of various components. Among these are many interesting ways to tee things off, and one option to consider is the shotgun start. So let’s dive in to know more about shotgun start!    What Is A Shotgun … Read more

Golf Hole Size: Diameter & Depth (In inches, cm & mm)

Golf is a popular sport that has been played since the 15th century. The game of golf involves hitting a small ball with special clubs into a series of small holes dug in the ground. As golf evolved, so did the size and shape of the holes. In this article, we will discuss what the … Read more

How To Chip A Golf Ball: A Guide For Beginners

How To Chip A Golf Ball

Chip shots are one of the most valuable skills for a golfer to master. Chipping is used when you are close to the green and want to get your ball onto the putting surface quickly with as little effort as possible. Learning how to chip a golf ball accurately can help you lower your scores … Read more

How To Prepare For A Round Of Golf: 9 Things You Need To Know

How To Prepare For A Round Of Golf

Golf is a sport that requires skill, practice, and preparation. A round of golf can be an enjoyable experience or a miserable one if you’re not prepared. To ensure that your round of golf goes smoothly, there are a few things you should know before teeing off. From understanding the course layout to having the … Read more

What Is Plumb Bobbing & How To Use This Method

What Is Plumb Bobbing

Golf can be an intimidating sport for beginners, especially when they see experienced golfers performing actions they may not be familiar with. One such action that may confuse newcomers is the practice of plumb bobbing. This technique involves a golfer holding a club and gazing down while aiming at something, which is actually an attempt … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide To Golf: How To Get Started & Enjoy The Sport

golf guide for beginners

Golf is a sport for all ages and skill levels, offering a lifetime of enjoyment. Whether trying something new or hoping to challenge yourself on the course, Golf provides an opportunity for personal growth and development that both beginners and experienced players can enjoy. This guide will cover the fundamentals for those just getting started … Read more

How To Play Mini Golf? What You Need To Know

How To Play Mini Golf

Mini Golf is a fun and enjoyable sport that people of all ages can enjoy. It’s an ideal activity for families, friends, or anyone looking for a leisurely way to spend time together. Mini golf courses are designed with colorful obstacles, creative themes, and challenging holes that make it exciting and rewarding when you get … Read more

10+ Tips To Help You Play Golf Better

Play Golf Better

Golf is a sport that requires skill, practice, and patience to master. And how to play golf better? This is a question that is always on the mind of serious golfers. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your game up a notch, there are many ways to improve your golf skills.  From mastering … Read more

What Is a Chicken Wing Golf Swing? What Causes It

The infamous chicken wing golf swing is a common problem among many players. It’s usually one of the first things golfers mention when describing their swing struggles. Let’s be honest though, it’s not the most aesthetically pleasing move on the course. While some golfers can still hit good shots with this flaw, it generally means … Read more