The Martin Chuck Simple Strike Sequence is a golf practice system that promises to help you improve your game with the help of an innovative approach. It combines several elements, such as video instruction, drills, and technology-based tools, to provide a comprehensive training program for golfers at all levels.
Considering whether to buy this program, it’s better to surf some reviews to make a reasonable decision. This article will provide an in-depth review of the program and its features. Additionally, it covers the pros and cons of using the program to give you a panorama of this popular program.
Overview of Martin Chuck Simple Strike Sequence

The Overview of Martin Chuck Simple Strike Sequence
The Martin Chuck Simple Strike Sequence (SSS) is a golf swing instructional method developed by renowned PGA Master Professional Martin Chuck.
The SCSS system was designed to teach the fundamental principles of the golf swing simply and concisely, allowing players of all levels to understand the basics quickly and effectively.
This program focuses on how to hit a perfect contact, and Martin promises that it will help you improve in 10 shots or less to deal with fat shots, thin shots, and any mishits.
The SCSS focuses on three key elements: alignment, posture, and tempo, and two techniques include no-turn and low point control drill. These are the fundamental elements of a successful golf swing and form the basis of the SCSS system.
The system also teaches proper balance and weight transfer throughout the swing to maximize power and distance.
And the result of this program is helping you make the exact contact with the ball when hitting, get rid of fat balls and thin balls… and improve the distance, consistent ball, and accuracy.
What Is The Content Of The Simple Sequence?
The program consists of the Simple Strike Sequence video series with extra parts such as:
- Simple Strike Driver Series
- Confidential Guide to Ball Striking
- Simple Strike Training Academy Live Streams
- In-Person Tour Striker Experience

The video series includes 3 modules:
Module 1: 10-Shot Simple Strike Sequence
- Video 1: “No-Turn” Backswing
- Video 2: “No-Turn” Backswing Continued
- Video 3: Low-Point Control Drill
- Video 4: Low Point Control Drill Continued
- Video 5: Simple Strike Sequence Recap
Module 2: Simple Strike Fundamentals
- Video 1: Get A Grip On Your Game
- Video 2: Find YOUR Best Grip
- Video 3: Simple Contact Test
- Video 4: Moe Norman’s Magic Hands
- Video 5: Eliminate The Chicken Wing
- Video 6: How To Aim Your Elbow
- Video 7: Power Pivot Drill
- Video 8: Step To Swing It, Step To Sling It
- Video 9: Body Sequencing For Success
- Video 10: The Shadow Drill
- Video 11: Turn Tuck And Tap
- Video 12: Ranger Picker Drill (You Can Do It!)
- Video 13: Your Stock Setup
- Video 14: Never Miss Your Target
- Video 15: Your Pre-Shot Routine Mindset
Module 3: Simple Strike Mastery
- Video 1: Shot-Shaping Setup Secrets
- Video 2: Perfect Path Test
- Video 3: Perfect Strike Wrist Conditions
- Video 4: Trajectory Skills
- Video 5: Shot-Shaping Secrets
- Video 6: Graduating Swing Speeds
- Video 7: Simple Strike Practice Plan
- Bonus Module: Simple Strike Driver Series
- Video 1: Simple Strike Driver Test
- Video 2: Driver Swing Setup
- Video 3: Elevated Tee Drill
- Video 4: Consistent Driver Control Drill
- Video 5: Simple Strike Slice Fix
- Video 6: Anti-Slice Path Drill
- The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment
- The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment
How Much Is Martin Chuck Simple Strike Sequence?

The price for the video series is $197, with full lifetime access to the Simple Strike Sequence video series and 4 free extra parts.
Simple Strike Sequence Review – Personal Experience
When I first saw many golfers sharing about the Simple Strike Sequence of Martin Chuck, I wondered if it was helpful and effective.
I tried to surf the long-detailed introduction of Simple Strike Sequence on Performance Golf and had the first impression of what Martin Chuck said about “Perfect Flush Contact.” I was tired of scrolling too long on the webpage, but after that, they hooked me to the attractive promotion program for beginners.
Just $197 for lifetime access to the series video and 4 extra parts, which says I will save around $850 for this program. Do you believe this special offer?
I was a bit confused and suspected, but finally, with these wonderful reviews, I decided to give it a go.

The most impression I had when trying the video series was how Martin Chuck explains the mechanics, especially the swing mechanic.
There is a ton of information explaining swing mechanics technically, and complicated that causes golfers to practice too rigid and lack natural flexibility.
I’m a simple person, and that’s why this simple guide satisfies me at the start of the video series.
Another value of SSS is helping golfers to optimize the ball striking to improve the distance, accuracy, and ball contact.
With my first encounter using the “No-turn backswing” drill, I immediately noticed an improvement in my swing consistency and even managed to increase my shot distance slightly.
Mr. Chuck’s instruction may seem simple at first, but the attention to detail he gives is unmistakable.
During the first drill, I myself realized how to increase the separation between my arms and chest at the top of the swing. It seemed like a small change, but the result was great – solid contact with the ball.
The program consists of multiple short 5-minute videos, and despite their brief duration, there is a wealth of informative and helpful content packed into each one.
The module breaks down things very efficiently, which actually ended up helping me with Module 1 too.
As a golf player, I found the “Low Point Control” drill particularly helpful for understanding where the club should impact the ground in relation to the ball and where my swing should bottom out.
This coaching technique fixed my constant push slice into a straight pull, which was a relief because it kept the ball in play a lot.
The SSS course can be challenging in parts, and the toughest aspect for me was transitioning from the breakdown of the SSS to the actual implementation on the field.
However, with time, I was able to develop a better rhythm for the drills.
One of the key benefits for me was an improvement in my mid and long irons, which are now going about 15 yards further than before.
The improved contact, combined with proper shaft tilt for compression and hip turn, was enhancing my game in a substantial way.
Honestly, I’m quite impressed with the No-turn and Low point drill in Module 1 that I expressed. For the rest parts, including Module 2 and Module 3, they are not as perfect and thorough as Module 1.
However, I’m ok with them and feel that these advanced techniques also help me a lot. There are really a lot of helpful things for golfers to improve and get to a higher level. Maybe the problem is they are behind the best part, which makes my expectation go down a little bit.
Overall, my experience with this video series is wonderful. However, there are a few things I don’t like much.
First, as I told you before, though I appreciate Module 2 and Module 3, it’s better to advance them. I suppose that the value of the Simple Strike Sequence will be doubled.
And I realized that I was uncomfortable with the long marketing at the beginning of the video, as were many other people who watched them. I paid compassion to what they are trying to do marketing their program, but it’s exceedingly annoying.
Pros And Cons of Simple Strike Sequence – Wrap The Review
- Easy-to-follow video instructions with comprehensive explanations of different aspects of the golf game.
- Simple instruction and guideline style
- Provides helpful drills and tips for improving your ball striking.
- Can help you increase your distance, accuracy, and consistency.
- Some advanced techniques can be confusing to understand
- Lengthy marketing at the beginning of the video
- Better to improve Module 2 and Module 3
- Some are not improved right away, less or on 10 shots.
Who Is The Simple Strike Sequence Suitable For?

I suppose that the Simple Strike Sequence is suitable for all levels.
However, the mid and high and handicap golfers may be better suited. Because I think that they could benefit from this program the most, as there is a lot of useful information and drills for these players.
It’s also important to note that beginners who are just starting to learn the game can also benefit from this program since it provides clear instructions and tips on different aspects of golfing.
However, more experienced players may find this program to be too basic and not challenging enough.
Comparing Simple Strike Sequence to Other Programs
This program is as simple as its name. That’s why I give this as the first advantage that is better than other programs.
And the second thing is the No-turn, and Low Point technic is the best value of the SCSS that can rank beyond many others.
The third thing is with this reasonable price, for me it is cheap; SCSS provides golfers more than what the price said, while there are a lot of quality programs out there with much higher prices than this one.
What Is A Simple Strike Sequence?
Simple Strike Sequence (SSS) is a golf training system created by Martin Chuck that promises to help improve your game. It includes a series of video lessons and drills designed to teach you the fundamentals of golfing.
How Will Simple Strike Sequence Help Me?
The program can help you increase your distance, accuracy, and consistency when striking the ball. Additionally, it can teach you advanced techniques such as proper shaft tilt for compression and hip turn.
What Is The Cost Of The Simple Strike Sequence?
The program currently costs $197. Some special promotions offer the $47 price.
How Did I Get A Simple Strike Sequence For $47?
Some people got it from pop-up advertising on YouTube.
Do I Get This Right To Access The Simple Strike Sequence Series Of About 30 Videos For The $47 Price?
You get access to the video series of about 30 videos for both the $47 price and $197.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the Simple Strike Sequence by Martin Chuck is a great program for golfers of all levels. From beginners to more experienced players, everyone can benefit from this program. I found the drills and tips very helpful in improving my game, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to take their skills to the next level. The price point is also extremely reasonable, considering the quality of the content packed into each one. If you’re serious about improving your golf game, then this program is definitely worth investing in to experience, especially the best part: No Turn and Low Point drill.