What Is A Double Cross In Golf? Causes & How To Fix

As golfers, we always aspire to hit long, straight shots toward the intended target. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned, and we end up hitting the dreaded double cross shot. This shot sends the ball in an unexpected direction, usually toward trouble. But what exactly is a double cross in golf, and how can you overcome it? Keep reading to find out more.


What Is A Double Cross In Golf?

A double cross shot occurs when the golfer hits the ball in the opposite direction of their intended target, often resulting in a disastrous outcome. Typically, this happens when a player tries to hit a shot that is opposite to their natural ball flight. 

For instance, if a player naturally hits a fade, attempting to hit a draw increases their chances of a double cross. Similarly, if they have a natural draw, attempting a fade may lead to a double cross. 

Despite being devastating, a double cross can teach players valuable lessons about their swing, and serve as a reminder to always stick to what works best for them.


What Causes A Double Cross In Golf?

What Is A Double Cross In Golf Swing
Causes of Double Cross in Golf

A double cross in golf is caused by the golfer hitting a shot with various factors. Here are some common causes:


A double cross in golf is often caused by a lack of rotation speed, which leads to the golfer’s hands moving faster than the ball and ultimately closing the clubface. This can result in an off-target shot, as the golfer is not able to create the necessary spin or directional control on the ball. Additionally, lower rotation can also lead to a lack of distance control and accurate ball flight.

Incorrect Swing Path

Another common cause of double cross in golf is an incorrect swing path, particularly if the golfer is too “inside-out” or “outside-in” on their approach. This leads to their clubface being open or closed at impact, resulting in either a draw or a fade that is too pronounced.

Ball Position

The position of the ball in relation to the golfer’s feet can also cause a double cross. If the ball is too far forward or back, it will lead to either an excessively closed or open clubface at impact, resulting in a double cross.

Clubface At Impact

Finally, the position of the clubface at impact can lead to a double cross. If the hands are too far ahead of the clubhead at impact, it will cause an open face and result in a double cross. On the other hand, if the hands get behind the clubhead, a closed face is created and causes a double cross.


How To Fix The Double Cross In Golf

What Is A Double Cross In Golf
How To Fix The Double Cross In Golf

Rotate Through Impact

Putting the brakes on hip rotation before impact can lead to a closed clubface position at impact, causing golfers to hook their shots. This happens because when hip rotation is slowed, the hands move faster than the ball and consequently cause the clubface to close. In order to avoid this from happening, players should ensure that their hands and hips move in sync, and that they rotate through the impact zone.

Correct Swing Path

A correct swing path is essential for producing an accurate ball flight and avoiding a double cross. Players should strive to keep their swing as straight as possible, ensuring that neither their inside-out nor outside-in paths cause them to hit the ball with an open or closed clubface.

Correct Ball Position

Golfers should also pay attention to the position of the ball in relation to their feet. If the ball is too far forward or back, it can cause the player’s hands to be too far ahead or behind the clubhead at impact respectively, resulting in a double cross.

Check Clubface Position At Impact

Finally, it is important to check the position of the clubface at impact. If the hands are too far ahead of the clubhead, it will result in an open face which can cause a double cross. On the other hand, if the hands get behind the clubhead, a closed face is created and causes a double cross. Therefore, it is important to ensure the clubface is in the proper position at impact for optimal performance.



A double cross in golf can be a troublesome shot, however it can also provide valuable lessons to golfers. It is important to remember that while a double cross can be frustrating, it can help you learn what you need to do to improve your game. By analyzing and correcting the causes of a double cross, you can work on developing a better swing and becoming a more consistent golfer. With practice and dedication, any golfer can become a proficient player in no time!




  • Alvin Daniel

    Hello everyone, I'm Alvin Daniel. I was born in the Philippines and came to the United States when I was 16 years old. I started playing golf at that age and have loved it ever since. I turned professional when I was 21 and have been working as a golf instructor and guide ever since. My goal is to help everyone know more about this great game of golf. And, hopefully, through my instruction, they can improve their skills and enjoy the game even more.

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